School, Judges, & Patrol COLA

July 15, 2024

The 2024 annual Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) has been determined for School, Judges, and Patrol members as authorized by Nebraska Statutes. COLA's are calculated using the consumer price index - capped at a maximum of 2.50% or 1.00% depending on plan provisions.

For the year ending June 30, 2024, the CPI increase was 2.89%. As a result, eligible School, Judges, and Patrol Tier 1 members received an increase of 2.5% and Tier 2/3/4 members received an increase of 1%.

NPERS issued correspondence to all affected retirees at the end of July. This letter explained the dollar amount increase for each retiree. July retirement benefits, paid at the end of the month, included the COLA adjustment.

For more information on COLA provisions, please refer to your Plan Handbook.