Retirement Board

The Public Employees Retirement Board was created in 1971 to administer Nebraska retirement plans for school employees, state employees, judges and the State Patrol. The board assumed administration of the retirement system for Nebraska county employees in 1973.

Effective January 1, 2005, the Public Employees Retirement Board (PERB) consists of nine members appointed by the Governor for five year terms. Seven members are participants in the retirement systems administered by the PERB. Two are at-large (Public) members and are not employees of the State of Nebraska or any of its political subdivisions. The State Investment Officer is also a member of the PERB in a non-voting, ex-officio capacity.

The board hires a director to equally distribute expenses among the retirement systems it administers. All expenses must be provided from investment income earned by various retirement funds, unless other fund sources to pay expenses are specified by law.

The state auditor audits state retirement systems each year and makes an annual report to the Legislature. The board also annually reports on the actuarial condition of state retirement systems to the Legislature.

Since 1973, all actuarial reports, actuarial assumption statements and methods, and actuarial valuations and experience investigations required for any retirement system that covers employees in any political subdivision at least partly supported by Nebraska tax dollars must be prepared and signed by an actuary certified by the board.

Nebraska Public Employees Retirement Board Policies (pdf)

Public Employees Retirement Board Members

Public Employees Retirement Board Members
Member Term Expires Position
Kelli Ackerman 1/1/2025 Chair - School Member
Janis Elliott 1/1/2029 Vice Chair - School Member
Allen Simpson 1/1/2025 State Member
Luke Splattstoesser 1/1/2028 State Patrol Member
Charles Neumann 1/1/2026 County Member
Pat Bourne 1/1/2027 Public Member
Thomas Zimmerman 1/1/2026 Judge Member
Gerald Clausen 1/1/2028 Public Member
Vacant Omaha School Member
Ellen Hung, CFA Ex-Officio (State Investment Officer)

Meeting Dates

Current Meeting - Agenda/Materials (pdf)